American-Chinese-Saudi Love Triangle

Contact: Daniel Morillo
Monday, August 11, 2014
Washington, D,C—The Gulf Institute release’s its report on the dynamic and evolving relationship between the United State, China and Saudi Arabia. The report, authored by the Institute’s Security and Military Analyst, Mr. Daniel Morillo, examines the various facets of Saudi Arabia’s relationship with the two superpowers. It then goes on to analyze the future of the Sino-Arab relationship and the implication for such a relationship for the United States. View the report here

About the Author: Mr. Daniel Morillo is a Security and Military Policy Analyst at the Gulf Institute. He graduated Cum Laude from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a concentration in World Policy and Politics and a focus on terrorism and security in the Middle East and Africa.  Daniel has co-authored pieces on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure and the Kingdom’s involvement in Egypt and Syria.

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