American Hostages in Saudi Prison, Pompeo the G20

IGA Director's Letter to Sectary of State Michael Pompeo regarding American Hostages in Saudi Prisons


November 13, 2020

Washington DC – The Director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs Ali AlAhmed sent a letter today to the American Sectary of State Michael Pompeo asking him to demand the release of all American hostages in Saudi prisons before he participates in the G20 meeting next week held in Riyadh.

The letter stated” Your participation in next week’s G-20 Summit in Riyadh is evidence that the Saudi regime has faced no substantive consequences for openly violating the rights of American citizens, residents, and their relatives. Years have passed since the CIA directly implicated Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman in the grisly murder of U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi, and he has yet to
face repercussions.

Full letter HERE

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